Embrace the opportunity to join us at one of our sacred gatherings below. Cultivate a profound sense of restoration, renewal, and empowerment on your healing journey. Join our embodied healers as they lovingly guide you back to yourself & step into your transformative path today.
Retreats & Events
Are you on an inward journey of soul discovery or retrieval, longing to step into your life’s purpose?
Do you desire to connect with like-minded souls + build a commUNITY ?
Do you yearn for deeper resonance + awareness of your mind-body-soul connection?
Have you been searching for restorative healing modalities + medicines which resonate with your divine blueprint?


Together we will explore our inner + outer worlds, focusing on building out our organic architecture in lovingly supported containers.
By being in presence + awareness with one another, we will work to collapse outdated thought patterns, belief systems + personality constructs that no longer serve our highest potential.
In these carefully curated spaces, our innate knowing can flourish by anchoring into our divine connection with our creator + each other.
Tune into the highest healing frequencies with our event hosts, as you are guided on a personalized journey of exploration, expansion + creation. Emerge from the weekend with a newly restored sense of self + community.
This is an invitation to all to answer the call that is deep within.
Explore the realms of new age + ancient wisdom teachings, while unearthing + embodying your own unique medicine.
Reawaken your innocence + reclaim your divinity.
Feel safe + empowered in your mind, body + spirit with trusted guides and practitioners.


If you were guided here today, we invite you to immerse yourself in a weekend full of connection, healing, expansion + restoration.
We are blessed to collaborate with healers of all realms, to teach, guide + share our magic with you.
This weekend will be nothing short of a
transformational experience!
Coming together in commUNITY + connection, we are honoured to assist you on your healing journey.
We believe that if you found us, it was not by happenstance! Your magnetism has brought us to you + we are devoted to walking the path of sovereignty with you. See you soon!



Canmore is a special place to many, and whether you live here or come to visit, there is more to experience than the sweeping views - this is a location to regenerate + recharge.
An escape from the daily stressors of life, reconnecting back to nature + remembering the beauty of being in the present moment is also what Canmore offers.
We believe there is a special opportunity to host this event here for your healing. The energy of the iconic Three Sisters - Big Sister (Faith), Middle Sister (Charity), and Little Sister (Hope), surround you with divine feminine power; a trinity of women nurturing the valley. The flowing waters of the Bow River watershed cleansing the townsite. Flourishing flora + fauna, rich indigenous history, a hub for holistic care + more...